Sunday, April 17, 2016

QB-Unit 4


1.      What is an array? Also give its important properties.
2.      Declare and initialize three dimensional array.
3.      What is the need of dynamic memory allocation?
4.      Write output of the following:
printf(“%d”, strcmp(“Quiet”, “Quilt”));
5.      What is meant by the following terms:
a.       Nested structures
b.      Array of structures


1.      What are subscripts? How are they specified? What restrictions apply to the values that can be assigned to subscripts in “C” language?
2.      Describe structure. Differentiate between structure and array. Define a structure data type called time_struct containing three member’s integer hour, integer minute and integer second. Write a program in ‘C’ that would assign values to the individual members and display the time in the following form:

3.      Write a program in ‘C’ to sort list of 10 integers in an ascending order.
4.      Write a program in ‘C’ to multiply the two matrices of M X N.
5.      What is dynamic memory allocation? How does it help in building complex programs? What is the task of the following memory allocation functions?
a.       malloc
b.      calloc
6.      Write a program in ‘C’ to create a database of fifty students to store personal details such as Roll No., Name and Marks. Print all the details of student whose name is entered by user.
7.      Write the difference between structure and array. Write a program in ‘C’ to find the largest element of a 3X3 matrix.
8.      Define Union. Write a program in C to find the record of a student having maximum marks from the list of 10 records. Each record has roll no, name, class and marks fields.

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