Sunday, August 24, 2014


A computer is a programmable device and has its own architecture. This architecture consists of three main functional units, namely:

·         Input unit
·         System Unit
·         Output Unit


CPU: Central Processing Unit                                                            CU: Control Unit
ALU: Arithmetic & Logical Unit                                                       MU: Memory Unit

Fig 02: Block Diagram of Computer

Input Unit
·         It is an external device that is connected to the CPU.
·         It is used to feed data and instructions for solving the problem at hand.
·         The control unit sends signal to this unit to receive data and instructions from the user, which is communicated to the CPU.
·         Examples: Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Scanner, Trackball, Light Pen, Touch screen, Touch pad, Bar code reader, Microphone, etc.

Output Unit
·         This is used to display the result obtained after execution of a program.
·         Whenever the user wants the output from the computer, the control unit sends signal to this unit to be ready to accept processed data from memory and display it.
·         Examples: Monitor, Printer, Scanner, Plotter, Speaker, Headphones, Fax, etc.

 System Unit
·         The data and instructions obtained from input unit are processed by the system unit.
·         It is regarded as the brain of the computer and it provides the fundamental commands and instructions for the working of the computer.
·         It is sub-divided into two:
o   CPU (Central Processing Unit)
§  CPU fetches program instructions from RAM (input), interprets and processes it (execution) and then sends back the computed results so that the relevant components can carry out the instructions.
§  It is further divided into two components:
·         ALU (Arithmetic & Logical Unit)
o   All calculations are carried out in the ALU.
o   It consists of electronic circuitry which performs the basic arithmetic operations like +, -, *, /.
o   It also consists of electronic circuitry that performs logical operations are gives us results in the form of true or false.

·         CU (Control Unit)
o   It controls and co-ordinates the activities of all the units of a computer system.
o   It acts as the central nervous system of the computer.
o   It controls and times signals to various units to co-ordinate for the specific operation.

o   MU (Memory Unit)
§  This is a storage device of the computer.
§  It stores the data and instructions fed by the user and also the result which is produced after processing the same data.
§  There are two types of memory, one is called volatile memory and the other is non-volatile memory.
In volatile memory, information is retained as long as power is supplied to the chips. In non-volatile memory, information is retained, even though power is not supplied.

 Fig 03: Hierarchy Chart of Memory

Ø  CPU Registers
o   A register is a small amount of storage available as part of a digital processor, such as a CPU. 
o   They can be accessed more quickly.
o   Computers load data from a larger memory into registers where it is used for calculations, manipulations, or tested, by some machine instruction. 

Ø  Main Memory

o   RAM (Random Access Memory)
§  It is a temporary storage medium in a computer.
§  All data to be processed by the computer are transferred from a storage device or keyboard to RAM during data processing. Results obtained from executing any program are also stored in RAM.
§  RAM is a volatile memory.

o   Cache Memory
§  The internal processing speed of a computer is very fast compared to the reading and writing from/to disk. During the time of reading from disk the CPU is idle. To reduce this waiting time and increase the processing speed, a cache memory is used in the computer.
§  Cache memory is a part of RAM that holds the data, which is needed next by the CPU.
§  The size of cache memory is 512 KB.

o   ROM (Read Only Memory)
§  Read Only Memory is a permanent storage medium which stores start up programs. These programs which are loaded when computer is switched on.
§  ROM stores essentially the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) programs which are recorded by the manufacturer of the computer system.
§  ROM is non-volatile memory. 

Ø  Secondary Memory
o   This is a permanent memory.
o   It stores large amount of information for a long time
o   It is also called backup memory or auxiliary memory.
o   It is connected to CPU.
o   Examples: Hard disk, Floppy disk, CD, DVD, Magnetic Tape, Flash memory, Jump drive, Pen drive, Cloud storage etc.

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